Bugs N Bees

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Honey bees aren't the only insects that pollinate crops, but we often overlook or lump together all other, non-bee pollinators – flies, beetles, moths, butterflies, wasps, ants, birds, and bats, just to name a few. According to new findings published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this week, non-bee pollinators play a major role in global crop production, and they're not as affected by environmental changes as bees.

A lot of pollinator-dependent crops are increasingly grown for our food, fiber, and fuel. And while the honey bee (Apis mellifera) is versatile and ubiquitous, relying on a single pollinator species is a risky strategy. Poor nutrition, parasites, and diseases threaten the health of honey bee colonies managed around the world. Yet, we haven't really explored the potential of other pollinators for contributing to crop production, even though they seem to be more robust to changes in land use.

To fill in the gaps, a large international team led by Romina Rader from the University of New England in Armidale, Australia, analyzed 39 studies that measured how much and how well honey bees, other bees, or non-bee insects pollinate 17 different crops spanning five continents. The other bee species studied include bumble bees, sweat bees, plasterer bees, mining bees, and leafcutter bees; the non-bees include flies, butterflies and moths, beetles, ants, and wasps.

INSECTS BY LETTER: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Acorn Weevils American Roaches Ants Aphids Apple Maggots. An offensive, musty odor from the bugs' scent glands; Live Bed Bugs (nymphs & adults) Remember to look over the bottom of your box springs, examine the seams of wood framing, and peel back fabric stapled into the wood frame. If you find signs of infestation, begin steps to get rid of the bugs immediately! Early detection is very important! Mantises are an order (Mantodea) of insects that contains over 2,400 species in about 430 genera in 15 families. The largest family is the Mantidae ('mantids'). Mantises are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats. They have triangular heads with bulging eyes supported on flexible necks.

Non-bee insects were less effective pollinators than bees per flower visit, but they made more visits to flowers than bees. So overall, they offered similar total pollination services: Honey bees make up 39 percent, non-bees make up 38 percent, and other bees accounted for 23 percent. ​

There are many reasons why non-bees might make up more visits compared to bees other than honey bees. First of all, there are heaps of different types of non-bee insects, Rader explains to IFLScience, and when you can combine all of these, it adds up to quite a bit. Second, because of the diversity of non-bees as a group, they tend to have broader activity patterns and diverse life histories to perform across a range of environmental conditions, habitats, and times.

Some of the studies examined a measure of pollination success called fruit set or seed set. That's when young fruits and seeds start to grow rapidly after the flower ovary is fertilized. Fruit set isn't correlated with honey bee visitation, but it increased with non-bee insects – suggesting how non-bee insects provide a unique benefit that's not provided by bees. If non-bee pollinators supplement (rather than substitute for) bee visitation, both are required for optimal pollination services.

Furthermore, while bees rely on habitats that support their host plants and nesting sites, non-bee insects are less affected by the loss of their natural habitats. That likely makes their services more robust to anthropogenic land use changes – which is thought to be one of the main drivers of bee declines.

Hoverfly and a watermelon plant in North America. Rachael Winfree

Image in text: Wasp with a passion fruit flower in Colombia. Catalina Gutiérrez-Chacón/University of Freiburg


The insect world is full of creatures that have a close relationship with wood. Some feed on it, others have made it their preferred habitat and others harvest it for alternative purposes. Unfortunately, many of these different kinds of wood boring insects can do damage to your property. Which bugs should you be on the lookout for, and how can they be controlled? Read on to learn more.

Powderpost Beetles


When people think of wood-boring insects, powerderpost beetles are likely the first insects to come to mind as these pests develop in wood. A common indicator of the presence of powderpost beetles in wood materials like flooring and paneling are numerous small holes (between one-sixteenth and one-eighth of an inch in diameter) and a fine dusting of a sawdust-like substance. This dust is produced by beetle larvae, and the holes are the openings through which adult beetles have already emerge.

Different species of powderpost beetle will infest different types of wood. Lyctid powderpost beetles only attack hardwoods while anobiids powderpost beetles will attack softwoods. Anobiids are most commonly found in softwood lumber in crawlspaces. Celebrities with gambling problems.

Most often, lyctid powderpost beetles enter lumber while it's being stored and cured. They prefer the sapwood of oak and other hardwoods, and they may take up to ten years to develop and become adults in an infested piece of wood and then emerge from it to breed, ultimately destroying the wood. For that reason, old furniture and wooden antiques are often affected.

Kiln-drying lumber will likely kill both beetle larvae and adult beetles. Sanding and varnishing wood will usually prevent them from finding crevices where they can lay their eggs. Finally, don't store items of value in outbuildings like barns and sheds as these locations are particularly hospitable to powderpost beetles.

Bugs On Bee Balm

Longhorned Beetles

Bugs N Bees Pictures

This variety of beetle is attracted to dying or freshly cut trees. They vary from 0.25 to 3 inches in length. They lay their eggs on the bark of trees and the larvae bore into the wood and spend 1 to 3 years developing and consuming wood/burrowing through it. Longhorned beetles are commonly found in firewood. They do not bite or sting. But, there is one species of longhorned beetle, the old house borer, that does attack wood in homes. One of the best ways to help prevent an infestation is to bring in firewood only when you're ready to burn it.

Carpenter Ants

These home invaders have earned their name by excavating wood to build their nests. Cod pc game. Carpenter ants are 0.25 to 0.75 inches in size. They are usually red, brown or black, or a combination of the three colors. They nest aboveground in cavities like hollow trees — or in your home in walls, subfloors and roofs. The first target of carpenter ants is usually wood that is or has been wet and damaged by mold. Once established, they may tunnel to and soon begin nesting in dry, undamaged wood. This tunneling can cause damage to the structure of your home. They do not eat the wood for nutrition, they just hollow it out to make nests.


When people think of wood-boring insects, powerderpost beetles are likely the first insects to come to mind as these pests develop in wood. A common indicator of the presence of powderpost beetles in wood materials like flooring and paneling are numerous small holes (between one-sixteenth and one-eighth of an inch in diameter) and a fine dusting of a sawdust-like substance. This dust is produced by beetle larvae, and the holes are the openings through which adult beetles have already emerge.

Different species of powderpost beetle will infest different types of wood. Lyctid powderpost beetles only attack hardwoods while anobiids powderpost beetles will attack softwoods. Anobiids are most commonly found in softwood lumber in crawlspaces. Celebrities with gambling problems.

Most often, lyctid powderpost beetles enter lumber while it's being stored and cured. They prefer the sapwood of oak and other hardwoods, and they may take up to ten years to develop and become adults in an infested piece of wood and then emerge from it to breed, ultimately destroying the wood. For that reason, old furniture and wooden antiques are often affected.

Kiln-drying lumber will likely kill both beetle larvae and adult beetles. Sanding and varnishing wood will usually prevent them from finding crevices where they can lay their eggs. Finally, don't store items of value in outbuildings like barns and sheds as these locations are particularly hospitable to powderpost beetles.

Bugs On Bee Balm

Longhorned Beetles

Bugs N Bees Pictures

This variety of beetle is attracted to dying or freshly cut trees. They vary from 0.25 to 3 inches in length. They lay their eggs on the bark of trees and the larvae bore into the wood and spend 1 to 3 years developing and consuming wood/burrowing through it. Longhorned beetles are commonly found in firewood. They do not bite or sting. But, there is one species of longhorned beetle, the old house borer, that does attack wood in homes. One of the best ways to help prevent an infestation is to bring in firewood only when you're ready to burn it.

Carpenter Ants

These home invaders have earned their name by excavating wood to build their nests. Cod pc game. Carpenter ants are 0.25 to 0.75 inches in size. They are usually red, brown or black, or a combination of the three colors. They nest aboveground in cavities like hollow trees — or in your home in walls, subfloors and roofs. The first target of carpenter ants is usually wood that is or has been wet and damaged by mold. Once established, they may tunnel to and soon begin nesting in dry, undamaged wood. This tunneling can cause damage to the structure of your home. They do not eat the wood for nutrition, they just hollow it out to make nests.

Bugs In Botswana

Like termites, carpenter ants require a water source. Eliminate sources of moisture or standing water to discourage them from feeling at home on your property. Keep tree branches and other foliage cut back from your house, as both insects can turn those materials into a bridge to your home. Caulk any cracks or openings around the exterior of your home, especially the foundation and roofline. Finally, move any firewood, leaf litter and building materials away from your house.

Carpenter Bees

In late spring or early summer, homeowners may notice large, mostly black bumblebee-like insects buzzing outside their homes. These carpenter bees are most likely searching for mates. Female carpenter bees bore into wood to lay their eggs. The males act as soldiers, protecting the female and eggs. The males can be aggressive but are generally harmless as they lack stingers. The females can inflict a painful sting but usually don't unless they feel threatened or are protecting their nest. Five nights at freddys 100 free games.

Are Bees Bugs Or Insects

Carpenter bees prefer bare, unpainted or weathered softwoods, especially redwood, cedar, cypress and pine, not painted or treated wood. Common nesting sites include eaves, window trim, fascia boards, siding and wooden decks. The damage to wood repeatedly used as nesting places can be considerable.

You can dissuade carpenter bees from nesting on your property by painting all exposed wooden surfaces, especially those attacked in the past.

With some careful observation and simple preventive measures, you may be able to ward off many of these potential wood boring insects. But if you find yourself dealing with an infestation you can't handle, or want the help of a professional from the start, don't hesitate to contact the pest control professionals at Terminix®.

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